

Evolution of ASEAN-UN Strategic Relations:Dynamic Sources and Agenda Options
摘要 东盟与联合国发展关系是地区与国际形势演进以及双方促进地区与国际和平与发展的现实需要。双方关系由来已久,当前东盟已经成为联合国大会的观察员,联合国是东盟的对话伙伴,双方建立了全面伙伴关系,在相互关心的多个领域开展了卓有成效的协调与合作,呈现出多种鲜明的特征,体现了东盟与联合国对外工作的优先选择。随着双方关系的深入发展,东盟与联合国在加强政治与安全对话、应对共同的全球性挑战、增强人道主义援助效率以及促进双方秘书处协调等问题上的合作正进入新的历史阶段,对促进地区整合和国际合作将作出更加重要的贡献。 It is a realistic necessity for ASEAN and the United Nations to promote regional and international peace and development in developing bilateral relations amidst evolution of regional and international situation. They have maintained and boosted this long-standing bilateral relations, ASEAN has become an observer of the United Nations General Assembly, while the United Nations is a dialogue partner of ASEAN, the two sides have established a comprehensive partnership and conducted fruitful coordination and cooperation in various issues of mutual concern. Their relations have shown a variety of distinctive characteristics, reflecting the preferences and priorities of ASEAN and the United Nations. With the in-depth development of bilateral relations, cooperation between ASEAN and the United States on various issues, such as strengthening political and security dialogue, addressing common global challenges, enhancing the efficiency of humanitarian assistance and promoting counterpart secretariats coordination, is entering a new historical stage. It'll make more important contributions to promotion of regional integration and international cooperation.
作者 周士新
出处 《东南亚纵横》 2015年第8期3-10,共8页 Crossroads:Southeast Asian Studies
关键词 东盟 联合国 千年发展目标 地区整合 国际合作 ASEAN United Nations Millennium Development Goals Regional Integration International Cooperation
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