
钝顶螺旋藻固定二氧化碳效率的研究 被引量:1

CO2Sequestration by Spirulina Platensis
摘要 采用气质联用仪测量CO2浓度,研究户外密闭条件下钝顶螺旋藻固定CO2的情况。实验结果表明,培养基中NaHCO3浓度较高及pH低于10时,试验第0~3天有大量CO2从培养基中溢出,之后藻液开始固定空气中CO2。整个自制光生物反应器固定CO2量约为326mg/(L·d),而单一反应器藻液固定CO2效率约为40%,其平均增重约0.14g/(L·d)。该技术能为净化燃煤工业废气中高浓度CO2提供理论依据,同时还可获得高经济价值的螺旋藻产品。 Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer was used to evaluate the efficiency of CO2 sequestration by the blue green alga Spirulina platensis in a closed photobioreactor cascade. It was found that Sp. platensis culture emitted large quantity of CO2 in the first a few days of the experiments, and then started CO2 sequestration process. The emission of CO2 was, presumably, caused by the combination of high concentration of NaHCO3 and a pH value below 10. During theCO2 sequestration process, the single photobioreactor only assimilated -40% of atmospheric CO2. Sp. platensis grew normally in this photobioreactor cascade with an average productivity of 0.14 g/L/d. The technology method provides a theoretical basis for purifing a high concentration of CO2 in the coal-fired industries, and it can also achieve a high economic value of Spirulina products. Therefore, CO2 sequestration by Slirulina is of great significance in the en- ergy industry, environmental protection and recycling economy.
出处 《湖北工业大学学报》 2015年第5期12-15,共4页 Journal of Hubei University of Technology
关键词 钝顶螺旋藻 燃煤工业 CO2固定 高经济价值 Spirulina platensis coal-fired industry CO2 sequestration high economic value
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