利用青藏高原玛多地区高寒草甸和玉树隆宝地区高寒湿地的观测资料,比较分析了土壤水分、地表反照率和土壤热通量在土壤完全融化期、土壤逐渐冻结期、土壤完全冻结期和土壤逐渐融化期的变化情况,并计算了各月份的感热通量和潜热通量。结果表明:在10~50 cm深处,土壤完全融化期高寒湿地土壤含水量为0.66~0.82 m3·m-3,高寒草甸土壤含水量为0.15~0.18 m3·m-3,土壤完全冻结期高寒湿地土壤含水量为0.13~0.21 m3·m-3,高寒草甸土壤含水量为0.01~0.04 m3·m-3。高寒草甸和高寒湿地地表反照率在土壤冻结期间较高,融化期间较低。高寒草甸土壤热通量年变化幅度小,高寒湿地土壤热通量年变化幅度大。高寒草甸月平均感热通量均高于高寒湿地,高寒湿地月平均潜热通量均高于高寒草甸。
Based on observed data of alpine meadow in Maduo and alpine wetland in Longbao of Yushu in Tibetan Plateau,the variation of soil moisture,surface albedo and soil heat flux through the four periods of soil completely melting,gradually freezing,completely freezing and gradually melting were compared and analyzed,and sensible heat flux and latent heat flux were also calculated. The results show that at the 10- 50 cm depth,soil moisture of alpine wetland ranged from 0. 66 to 0. 82 m3·m- 3and that of alpine meadow was 0. 15- 0. 18 m3·m- 3in the period of soil completely melting,while soil moisture of alpine wetland ranged from 0. 13 to 0. 21 m3·m- 3and that of alpine meadow was 0. 01- 0. 04 m3·m- 3in the period of soil completely freezing. Surface albedo in both alpine meadow and wetland was high in the period of soil completely freezing and low in the period of soil completely melting. Annual variation range of soil heat flux was small in alpine meadow but larger in alpine wetland. Sensible heat flux of alpine meadow was higher than that of alpine wetland in each month,and latent heat flux of alpine wetland was higher than that of alpine meadow in each month.
Journal of Arid Meteorology
alpine meadow
alpine wetland
soil moistrue and heat