目的研究老年慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者踝-臂脉搏波传导速度(ba-PWV)、踝臂指数(ABI)的变化情况,探讨老年慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者PWV、ABI与肺功能、炎性因子的相关性.方法 109例研究对象根据肺功能检测结果分为3组:轻中度COPD组42例、重极重度COPD组31例,对照组(无COPD)36例,比较3组研究对象的ba-PWV、ABI、肺功能、炎性因子的水平.结果轻中度CODP组、重极重度CODP组平均PWV均明显高于对照组(P<0.01),重极重度CODP组平均PWV明显高于轻中度CODP组(P<0.01);3组间平均ABI比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);FEV1/FVC(%)、FEV1/预计值(%)分别与平均PWV均呈负相关(P<0.01);hs-CRP、TNF-a、IL-6分别与平均PWV均呈正相关(P<0.01).结论老年COPD患者动脉僵硬度明显升高,PWV与气流受限的严重程度呈正比,PWV与炎性因子呈正相关,COPD患者炎性因子水平升高可能是其动脉僵硬度增加的一个影响因素.
Objective To study the level of brachial- ankle pulse wave velocity(ba- PWV) and Ankle Brachial Index(ABI) in elderly Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(COPD) patients,and to investigate the relations of ba- PWV, ABI and pulmonary function, inflammatory factor in elderly COPD patients.Methods According to the results of the pulmonary function test,109 cases were divided into three groups:mild- to- moderate COPD group of 42 cases,severe and very severe COPD group of 31 cases,control group of 36 cases.Comparing the level of ba- PWV、 ABI、 inflammatory factor、 pulmonary function in three groups.Results The average ba- PWV of mild- to- moderate COPD group and severe and very severe COPD group were higher than control group(P〈0.01),the average ba- PWV of severe and very severe COPD group was higher than mild- to- moderate COPD group(P〈0.01).The compare of the average ABI among three groups had no statistical significance(P〉0.05).The FEV1:FVC ratio and the percent predicted FEV1 were negatively correlated with the average ba- PWV(P〈0.01).The hs- CRP、 IL- 6、 TNF- a were positively correlated with the average ba- PWV in all research object(P〈0.01).Conclusions The elderly COPD patients arterial stiffness is worse than control group with no COPD.The level of ba- PWV is positively correlated with the severity of airway obstruction and the levels of inflammatory factors The elevated levels of inflammatory factors may be one of the factors influencing arterial stiffness in COPD patients.
Journal of Kunming Medical University
Pulse wave velocity
Ankle brachial index
Pulmonary function
Inflammatory factors