

Resource Allocation with Carrier Aggregation of LTE-Advanced and S-band Radar Carriers
摘要 频谱共享可以缓解频谱资源有限以及已分配的频谱资源利用率非常低的压力,而且载波聚合技术可以应用于频谱共享场景中。针对以上问题,首先,提出一个具体的MIMO雷达与LTE-Advanced蜂窝系统之间的频谱共享场景,利用载波聚合技术实现两载波聚合。其次,由于不同的用户设备运行的应用程序不尽相同,导致其所需带宽也不尽相同,于是,提出基于用户应用类型的资源分配最优算法,给予实时应用用户优先权。最后,通过MATLAB仿真平台对此算法的性能进行仿真和验证。仿真结果表明,载波聚合可以提供更大的带宽,从而提高用户设备的数据传输速率,资源分配最优算法可以保证用户的最小服务质量。 The spectrum resources are limited and the utilization ratio of the allocated spectrum resources is very low. Spectrum sharing can relieve the stress and carrier aggregation technology can be applied to the spectrum sharing scenario. Aiming at above problem, a spectrum sharing scene between multiple input muhiple output radar and LTE-Advanced cellular system is put forward which uses the carrier aggregation technology to realize the two kinds of carriers. Due to the fact that different user equipments run different application programs, the bandwidths allocated to these users are also different. Then the carrier aggregation resource allocation optimization algorithm which allocates the aggregated carriers based on the user application type is proposed. The algorithm gives the priority to the users who run real-time application when allocating bandwidth. Finally, the performance of the proposed algorithm is simulated and verified through MATLAB. The simulation results show that the carrier aggregation can provide a higher rate to users and the proposed algorithm can also ensure the minimum quality of service of each user.
出处 《电视技术》 北大核心 2015年第21期49-53,68,共6页 Video Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61263005) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助项目(NCET-12-0657) 贵州大学研究生创新基金资助项目(2015080)
关键词 载波聚合 MIMO雷达 LTE—Advanced 频谱共享 资源分配 carrier aggregation MIMO radar LTE-Advanced spectrum sharing resource allocation
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