The 21st century will be a turning point in the history of humankind.Accordingly,it is my strong belief that engineering science will also be compelled to undergo a major historical transformation.Today,humankind is at a pivotal period of historic importance,similar to the time of the Industrial Revolution.This is especially true for people living in developed countries who enjoy
The 21st century will be a turning point in the history of humankind. According- ly, it is my strong belief that engineering science will also be compelled to under- go a major historical transformation. To- day, humankind is at a pivotal period of historic importance, similar to the time of the Industrial Revolution. This is es- pecially true for people living in devel- oped countries who enjoy quantitative affluence and longevity. The next goal for humanity should be improved qual- ity of human life. I would like to coin the name "Platinum Society" to describe a society that pursues quality of life. I believe the Platinum Society will open up new horizons for further growth in the future.