2014年12月28日,正值苏珊·桑塔格逝世10周年。在对她的缅怀中,那篇著名的《关于坎普的札记》("Notes on Camp")也被拿出来重读和广泛讨论。坎普作为一种风格的历史可追溯到17世纪,而它在上世纪60年代开始变得广为人知。作为一种趣味,坎普感受力始终活跃在怀旧收藏、先锋独立艺术思潮、摇滚乐、服饰风格等领域;作为一种亚文化,坎普与酷儿理论、青年运动及同性恋政治活动的发展紧密相连。在电影领域也存在着"坎普观",提供不同的视角,让我们得以抛却二元对立的价值评判和等级森严的美学审视,去重新关注一些过时的、失败的、无人问津的作品。并有一类专门的"坎普电影",在文中,我根据桑塔格"朴实的坎普"和"蓄意的坎普"的区分,将难以归类和定义的坎普电影,大致分为三种:第一种是初上映时就大受欢迎的经典老片,多年后却被小众群体以完全不同的原因狂热追捧;第二种是初上映时恶评如潮或无人理会的失败之作;第三种则是一些导演出于个人爱好,刻意追求坎普风格而专门创作的坎普电影。通过对这些坎普电影的研究,笔者再度思考和挖掘了《札记》的价值。
Susan Sontag's 1964 article "Notes on Camp" resurfaces to the reading public with the 10th anniversary of her death. As a term, "camp" became well known during the 1960s, yet its origin can be traced to the ITh century. As a notion of taste, the camp sensibility is active in all fields of nostalgic collections, avant-garde and independent art, rock music and fashion. As a genre of subculture, camp is closely linked with the development of the queer theory, the youth movement and the politics of homosexuality. Camp appreciation can also be seen in the film industry, which provides us a possibility to challenge dominant taste, to transcend the duality of value judging and hierarchical aesthetical mindset, and to appreciate and revalue the out-of- date, neglected or even failed works. On the basis of Sontag's distinction between "na? ve camp" and "deliberate camp," the present paper tries to divide the camp films into three types, namely, the classic oldies now lauded with nostalgic sentiments, the originally failed movies resurfaced, and the movies deliberately made in the camp style. Through an analysis of these movies, the paper presents a reevaluation of Sontag's "Notes. "
Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art