
互联网金融热潮中的泡沫风险探析——基于科技发展与金融泡沫的视角 被引量:2

The Bubble Risks in the Internet Finance Upsurge——A Study from the Technology Development and Finance Bubbles Perspective
摘要 近两年互联网金融行业的很多业务已经出现泡沫现象,尤其是不少P2P网贷成为诈骗的平台,这是非常值得警惕和深究的课题。互联网金融泡沫虽然是一个新现象,但其背后的运行机理却是由来已久。科技创新推动经济周期性波动发展,初始阶段极易产生市场泡沫。互联网金融泡沫的特殊性在于:科学技术推动了金融业务的长足发展,以互联网为代表的信息技术将现代金融推向新的浪潮。 In recent years, the bubble phenomenon has been observed in many business fields of internet finance industry, and one of the cases is that many P2 P online financing websites have become platforms of financing fraud.This is very worthy of vigilance. Therefore, more studies should be done on this subject. Although the internet finance bubble is a new phenomenon, its mechanism has a long history.Technological innovation promotes economic development with cyclical fluctuations, and its initial stage is easy to generate market bubbles. The particularity of internet finance bubble lies in that technology has promoted the great development of financial business, and the information technology which is represented by Internet has pushed the modern finance to a new wave.
作者 李秀辉
出处 《当代经济管理》 CSSCI 2015年第11期8-12,共5页 Contemporary Economic Management
基金 浙江省社会科学界联合会研究课题成果(2016N65Y)
关键词 互联网金融 金融泡沫 科技发展 信息技术 internet finance financial bubble technology development information technology
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