以2010一2012年度国家冬麦区长江中下游组小麦区域试验资料和2012一2013年度国家冬小麦品种生产试验汇总资料,对‘镇麦11号'的产量构成因素及其产量的关系进行分析。结果表明:‘镇麦11号'的平均穗数为505.13万/hm^2,平均穗粒数为39.31粒,平均穗粒重为1.56 g,平均千粒重为39.78 g,平均产量为6 392.89 kg/hm^2。相关分析表明,穗数、穗粒数、穗粒重和千粒重均与产量呈正相关,相关程度依次为:穗粒数>千粒重>穗数>穗粒重。通径分析表明,穗粒数对产量的作用最大(直接通径系数Py=0.5312),其次是穗数(直接通径系数Py=0.4711),穗粒重的作用最小(直接通径系数Py=0.0944)。‘镇麦11号'的高产栽培技术应在保证足够的穗数和穗粒重稳定的基础上,主攻穗粒数,同时兼顾粒重。
The relationship between yield components and yield of ' Zhenmai 11' was analyzed by the data of wheat regional trials of middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in the national winter wheat region in2010—2012 and the data of wheat production tests of lower reaches of the Yangtze River in the national winter wheat region in 2012—2013.The results showed that the average number of spikes,the average grain number per spike,the average grain weight per spike,the average 1 000-grain weight and the average yield of ' Zhenmai 11'were 505.13 × 10~4 /hm^2,39.31,1.56 g,39.78 g and 6 392.89 kg/hm^2 respectively.Correlation analysis showed that the spike number,grain number per spike,grain weight per ear and 1 000-grain weight were positively associated with yield.The correlation degree was as follows:grain number per spike,1 000-grain weight,spike number,grain weight per spike.Path analysis showed that the grain number per spike was the most important to yield(direct path coefficient Py =0.5312),followed by the spike number(direct path coefficient Py =0.4711),the grain weight per spike was the least(direct path coefficient Py =0.0944).The high yield cultivation technique of' Zhenmai 11' should be based on the guarantee of sufficient number of spike and grain weight,taking the grain number per spike as the main target,and giving consideration to the grain weight.
Acta Agriculturae Shanghai