Aiming at the multi-key escrow problem in the existing escrow system,a threshold key escrow scheme based on the dynamic multi-key sharing protocol is proposed,which is based on the security of the ECC cryptography system and the Shamir threshold scheme. According to the weight of the key escrow and the importance of the key,the multi-key distributor can adjust the threshold dynamically in the scheme,each escrow agent needs to maintain a key share to realize the escrow of multi-key. The communications of the scheme is carrying on in a public channel,whereas non-requirement of a secret channel,so that it can avoid the extra cost of computation to maintain this secret channel.Finally the evaluation and research are presented,it shows that the proposed scheme is secure and effective,and can offer a good forward secrecy.
Joural of Jiangnan University (Natural Science Edition)
中央高校科研专项项目(JUSRP211A 41)