
基于专利计量的脑科学领域分析 被引量:1

Patentometrics Analysis of Brain Science
摘要 脑科学领域是当前生命科学的研究前沿和热点。本文对Derwent数据库中收录的1975-2014年脑科学领域相关的专利数据进行了分析,分别从专利申请量及年度变化、技术生命周期、专利权人和专利发明人、专利的国际专利分类号及德温特手工代码、主要国家的专利申请量、专利能量、专利活跃度和技术分布以及世界顶级研发机构等角度,深入分析了脑科学领域专利的整体产出情况、重点技术领域以及主要国家和机构的专利布局情况。研究发现,目前脑科学领域正处于相对成熟阶段,美国和加拿大在该领域的研发实力强大;中国虽然专利数量较多,但仍需通过增强创新能力以提高专利质量,并进行合理的专利布局。 Brain science is the research frontier and hot field of life science. This paper figures out the patent datum related to brain science in Derwent Innovations IndexTM and analyzes the outputs, major technology fields and patent strategies distribution of main application agencies in brain science in terms of patent application quantity as well as its annual changes, lifecycle, assignees, inventors, International Patent Classification, Derwent Manual Codes, and main priority countries' patent application quantity, patent pending, R&D activity and technical differences. Results indicate that the brain science is in a relatively mature stage; the United States and Canada have strong R&D ability; although China has a huge number of patents, but we still need to improve our innovation capability by enhancing patent quality and rationalizing the patent layout.
出处 《全球科技经济瞭望》 2015年第3期52-60,76,共10页 Global Science,Technology and Economy Outlook
基金 科学技术部国际合作司中外创新对话专项:"中美在主要科学和技术领域的差距研究"调研
关键词 脑科学 专利 计量分析 专利布局 brain science patent quantitative analysis patent layout
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