

Performance Analysis of GNSS Software Receiver Tracking Loop Under Different Parameters
摘要 针对用户接收机实际跟踪卫星信号过程中跟踪环路参数设置模糊性问题,着重分析了GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite Sys—tem)接收机跟踪环路参数设计的范围,然后通过Matlab仿真环境对不同环路参数下卫星信号跟踪效果进行了仿真,得出了接收机环路参数的经典取值(阻尼系数ξ=0.707,环路带宽BL=25 Hz),最后通过软件接收机实验平台对实际采集到的卫星中频信号进行了跟踪验证,实验结果证明了跟踪环路参数选择的有效性。 In order to solve the ambiguity problem of tracking loop parameters for the user to track satellite signal, the design scope of GNSS receiver tracking loop parameters was analyzed, and then through the Matlab simulation environment , the signal tracking effect under different loop parameters was simulated, the classical values of tracking loop parameters were obtained (damping coefficient ξ=0. 707, loop bandwidth BL = 25 Hz), finally the classical values were verified by the actual collected intermediate frequency (IF) satellite signal through software receiver experimental platform, experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the tracking loop parameters selection.
出处 《计算机测量与控制》 2015年第10期3482-3484,共3页 Computer Measurement &Control
基金 海军工程大学自然科学基金(HGDQNJJ15021)
关键词 GNSS软件接收机 跟踪环路 中频信号 环路带宽 GNSS software receiver tracking loop IF satellite signal loop bandwidth
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