
Innovative Measures Ensuring Integrity of the Entire Supply Chain or Transport Corridor

Innovative Measures Ensuring Integrity of the Entire Supply Chain or Transport Corridor
摘要 The EWTC (East-West Transport Corridor) in the Southem part of the Baltic Sea Region includes more effective testing area of new business models for collaborative logistics flows. Since the EWTC is a corridor requiring transport mode interchanges due to crossing the Baltic Sea, development of intermodal transport solutions making different transport modes fully integrated along the corridor is a key issue for the EWTC. To meet an increased global transport demand, ports and intermodal terminals need to make sure that their facilities are prepared for growth. Thus, for ports in the EWTC it is important to offer the services necessary for handling the maritime freight services (container ships, RoRo ships, railway ferries) demanded by transporters and transport buyers. IT services are needed to support transportation activities along the corridor. This is especially important for the EWTC due to its physical nature, interchange points, multi-language and cross boarder interaction. Information on a constantly updated traffic situation and interchange status, tracking of goods, booking and confirmation services, intelligent truck parking and services opening faster border crossing routes would ensure more efficient transportation and handling thereofi It is expected that the outcomes of the recently completed eMAR project will help to develop a modem Klaipeda Seaport community system as well as effective management architecture along the EWTC based on the CSW (Corridor Single Window) approach.
出处 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2015年第5期280-288,共9页 船舶与海洋工程(英文版)
关键词 Transport corridor supply chain global transport network Corridor Single Window. 交通走廊 运输方式 供应链 货运服务 创新 整性 多式联运 波罗的海
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