
银屑病患者体象障碍的团体心理干预研究 被引量:8

Study on Group Intervention of Body Dysmorphic Disorder on Psoriasis Patients
摘要 目的了解银屑病患者在团体咨询干预前后的体象障碍水平。方法采用"银屑病患者体象障碍问卷"筛选出16名患者组成干预组和对照组进行团体咨询干预与分析。结果干预组的体象障碍水平比干预前有所下降,在缺陷感、情绪受损度、社会交往度3个方面改善显著,但在认知度、关注度、尝试改变度、他人评价度上无显著改善。结论团体干预能有效降低银屑病患者的体象障碍水平,患者接受干预后在体象障碍的缺陷感、情绪受损度、社会交往度上有明显改善。 Objective To evaluate the different body dysmorphic disorder on psoriatic patients by group counseling intervention. Methods 16 patients showing body dysmorphic disorder by the "questionnaires of psoriatic patients" were selected into intervention group and control group. Conducted group counseling to intervention group and made analysis by comparing the results to the control group. Results The level of body dysmorphic disorder after the intervention was declined significantly in intervention group. Specific on defects sense, emotional damage and social interaction. However, the cognitive awareness, attention, attempting to change, others' evaluation were not significant. Conclusion Group intervention can effectively reduce body dysmorphic disorder on psoriatic patients. After intervention, there is significant improvement on patients' defects sense, emotional damage and social interaction.
出处 《中国中西医结合皮肤性病学杂志》 CAS 2015年第5期287-289,共3页 Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine
基金 上海市卫生局局级课资助(编号2008170)
关键词 银屑病 体象障碍 团体干预 Psoriatic Body dysmorphic disturbance Group intervention
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