采用固定转捩位置和基于SST k-ω湍流模型的γ-Reθt转捩模型自由转捩模拟两种方法研究了RAE2822翼型流动转捩问题。先采用γ-Reθt转捩模型确定转捩位置,再采用所获得的转捩位置实施固定转捩位置计算,并与全湍流计算结果和其他软件计算结果进行了对比。表明两种方法均能有效捕捉超临界翼型流动转捩现象,固定转捩位置模拟结果基本上重现了自由转捩预测结果。
The ifxed transition location calculation method and free transition prediction method ofγ-Reθtmodel based on SSTk-ωturbulence model, were implemented to investigate the lfow transition around RAE2822 airfoil. The transition location was obtained byγ-Reθtmodel, and then ifxed to verify the method of ifxed transition location. The results were compared with the corresponding results of full turbulent prediction and other codes. It can be concluded that both methods can effectively capture the lfow transition phenomenon of the target airfoil, the results of ifxed transition location calculation almost reproduce that of free transition prediction method.
Aeronautical Science & Technology