目前,抗炎疗法治疗支气管哮喘(简称哮喘)已取得很好效果,但是由于药物剂量不易控制、药物不良反应多、重症哮喘药物控制不佳等,许多学者开始寻找新型治疗方法。支气管热成形术(bronchial thermoplasty,BT)是用于治疗难治性哮喘的一种创新手术。相关临床研究已证明,BT是吸人糖皮质激素和长效支气管扩张剂不能很好控制的重症哮喘成人患者的一种安全有效的最佳选择。日前,我院呼吸科在国内首批启用BT治疗难治性哮喘,首例患者获得满意的疗效,生活质量显著改善。
Despite currently available medications and the advent of a number of new agents,there are patients with asthma who continue to suffer intrusive symptoms that disrupt their lives. In addition, none of the treatments we have at present can reverse the remodelling that occurs in the airway wall during asthma. Bronchial thermoplasty (BT) represents a novel approach to asthma treatment in that it is intended to reduce the excess smooth muscle that is found in the asthmatic airway. Thus, it should be considered as complementary to effective anti-inflammatory therapy, not a replacement. The precise role of BT has yet to be defined but the results of the three randomised controlled trials indicate that BT has the greatest potential benefit in those patients who have asthma that cannot be controlled with combinations of anti-inflammatory and bronchodilating medications. Some of the excitement relates to the long lasting duration of effect, which distinguishes BT from medical therapies that must be taken consistently and continuously to be effective.
International Journal of Respiration
Bronchial thermoplasty
Smooth muscle