
供应链管理环境下的库存优化控制模型及仿真 被引量:3

Model and Simulation of Optimized Inventory Control under SCM Environment
摘要 针对供应链环境下的库存控制问题,提出了基于控制理论的供应链库存控制模型,以A连锁超市的笔记本库存为例,利用Win QSB软件对两种库存模型进行求解,基于求解结果,建立控制模型,并运用Matlab软件的Simulink模块进行仿真,对仿真结果进行分析,提出供应链库存优化控制的建议,已达到优化供应链库存的目的。 In this paper, in view of the inventory control problem under the supply chain environment, we proposed the supply chain inventory control model based on the control theory, then in the case of the notebook inventory of the chain supermarket A, used the Win QSB software to solve the two possible inventory models and in view of the solution, built the corresponding control model, and at the end proposed the suggestions for the optimal control of the supply chain inventory.
作者 张鹤冰
出处 《物流技术》 2015年第17期103-107,共5页 Logistics Technology
基金 教育部人文社会科学项目"效率优先视角下的机械设备类产品供应链金融合约机制设计"(13YJCZH262)
关键词 供应链管理 库存控制 控制理论 仿真分析 supply chain management inventory control control theory simulation analysis
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