1948年11月中旬解放军进据北平西郊时,在燕大教书和读书的美国教授、学生及职员还有三十余人。范天祥(Bliss Wiant)是他们中的负责者。这是因为,他这时受中国基督教大学联合董事会托事部之托,暂时署理校长一职,并且还担任着校财务总监的职务。范天祥是美国卫理公会的传教士,1923年即与新婚妻子一起来华就职于燕京大学,为燕大创办了音乐系。他一生中主要成就基本上都是在燕京大学实现的,即使中共占领了北平乃至于全中国,甚至中美直接在朝鲜半岛开战,范天祥夫妇都始终希望能够留在中国,留在燕大。而这也是其他二十位左右在燕大任职的外籍基督徒以及相当部分差会的愿望。从1948年年底到1951年初,这样的可能性也曾经异常真实地存在过。他们亲身见证的中共解放北平和建立新制度的最初过程,也让他们对新政权带来的新面貌及其社会新气象深感宽慰。即使面对诸多难以适应的新变化,他们也努力让自己对未来抱以期望。但1950年朝鲜战争爆发后美国政府的干预政策,将原本可能需要再长一些时间才会改变的政治情势,突然变化了。靠美国教会资助的燕京大学被新政府全面接收了,基督教传教活动在校园内被全面禁止,身为传教士的范天祥及其所有外籍教授和他们的家属,都不得不离开了他们留恋的燕京校园。
When People's Liberation Army occupied the areas near Yenching University in the west of Peiping,there were over 30 American professors,students and faculty members at the university with Bliss Wiant as the leader. Wiant was entrusted by the Associated Boards for Christian Colleges in China to be temporary president of the university and also functioned as Chief Financial Officer. Wiant was a missionary from the Methodist Church in the U. S. In 1923,he came to work for Yenching University in China with his newly married wife and founded the music department. As one of the professors who had worked for the longest time at Yenching,he worked at the university for nearly 20 years( 1923—1927,1929—1935,1936—1941,1947—1951). He was in charge of the music department constantly and also worked for the administration at the university,where he got his major achievements in life. Even when the army of the Communist Party of China occupied the area where Yenching was located in the end of 1948 and later Peiping and the whole China,and even when the war between China and the U. S. broke out in Korean Peninsula,the Wiant couple always hoped to stay at Yenching. This was the common wish shared by other 20 foreign Christians and some missionary societies. From 1948 to 1951, this kind of possibility was extraordinarily real. Like many Americans at that time,they believed that the Communist Party of China was different from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union,so what happened in the Soviet Union would not happen in China. The Communist Party's liberating Peiping and the early stage of the new political system they witnessed made them confident in the new condition and social atmosphere created by the new political power. Many students from Yenching became senior cadres and the new government offered important positions for many leaders at Yenching.Therefore,although they faced many difficult challenges,they still highly anticipated for the future. It turned out that their wish was too optimistic. When Korean War unexp
Journal of East China Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
Yenching University,Christianity,Communist Party of China,Bliss Wiant,liberation