用三聚氰胺与甲醛自制六羟甲基三聚氰胺(HMM)作为固化剂,并用FT-IR对三聚氰胺与六羟甲基三聚氰胺表征;用溶胀法测试聚乙烯醇(PVA)1788/HMM溶液固化膜的交联度,并对其弯曲性能及抗冲击性能进行表征。结果表明,在pH=8.5,n(甲醛):n(三聚氰胺)=8~10时,三聚氰胺的活泼氢基本被取代;PVA(1788)/HMM复配质量比为1:1.25,固化温度190℃,固化时间25 min时膜综合性能较为优异;复配体系交联度α与其温度历史T呈线性相关,α=0.287T-36.4。
Hexamethylolmelamine(HMM) prepared by ourselves with melamine and formaldehyde was used the curing agent ofpolyvinyl alcohol(PVA 1788). Melamine and HMM were characterized by FT-IR. The crosslinking degree of cured film of the aqueous solution was determined by swelling method. The bending performance and impact resistance of the cured film were tested. The results showed that when the mole ratio of formaldehyde and melamine was 8-10 and pH=8.5, the active hydrogens of melamine were almost replaced; when the weight ratio of PVA 1788 and HMM was 1:1.25, the temperature and time of curing were 190℃ and 25 rain, respectively, the film overall performance was more outstanding; the crosslinking degree( α ) was linearly retated to the temperature(T) hisroty, α =0287T-36.4.