
青少年移动社交媒介使用行为的结构及特点 被引量:11

The Structure and Characteristics of Adolescents' Mobile Social Media Usage
摘要 研究通过开放式问卷调查并结合已有相关文献编制了青少年移动社交媒介使用行为问卷,并对741名青少年进行了调查。结果发现:(1)青少年移动社交媒介使用行为可由3个维度构成,分别为"人际交流与展示""信息获取与分享"和"乐趣获得与休闲";(2)所编制的问卷具有良好的信效度,可以作为青少年移动社交媒介使用行为后续研究的测量工具;(3)青少年移动社交媒介使用行为存在显著的性别差异和年级差异,女生倾向于人际交流与展示行为,而男生倾向于乐趣获得与休闲行为。 The purpose of present study was to develop adolescents' mobile social media usage questionnaire by open-ended questionnaire survey and existing literature, and meanwhile to explore the characteristics of adolescents' by surveying 741 adolescents. The results showed that:(1) the adolescents' mobile social media usage consisted of 3 dimensions: interpersonal communication and presentation behavior, information acquisition and sharing behavior, having fun and recreation behavior;(2) The questionnaire had good validity and reliability, and can be used as the measurement tool of studies of adolescents' mobile social media usage later;(3) There were significant gender differences and grade differences in adolescents' mobile social media usage; compared with boys, girls tend to interpersonal communication and presentation; boys tend to having fun and recreation.
作者 王伟 雷雳
出处 《心理研究》 2015年第5期57-63,共7页 Psychological Research
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地(天津师范大学心理与行为研究院)重大项目(14JJD190005) 山西大同大学2013年度校级科学研究项目(2013K10)
关键词 青少年 移动社交媒介 使用行为 adolescent mobile social media usage
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