
判断与决策中的易得性启发式 被引量:3

The Availability Heuristic in Judgment and Decision Making
摘要 易得性启发式是指个体根据相关事件的易获得性作为捷径做出决策。Tversky和Kahneman的系列研究证实了易得性启发式普遍存在,目前对于易获得性的评估机制主要有基于提取信息内容和信息提取过程的容易感受。此外,易得性启发式的影响因素主要包括事件的生动性、突出性和新近性。在总结相关研究后发现,易得性启发式具有其自身独特的信息加工模式。易得性启发式影响个体的风险认知和决策行为,具有重要的应用价值和理论价值。未来的研究应深入探究其产生根源,探索易得性启发式与其他现象之间的关系,并扩展其应用领域的研究。 The availability heuristic refers to the individual according to the accessibility of relevant events as a shortcut to make a decision. A series of experiments made by Tversky and Kahneman have confirmed availability heuristic is widespread. At present, there are two psychological mechanisms to explain the assessment of availability, namely, the contents of retrieval and experienced ease of retrieval. Then, influential factors of the availability heuristic are introduced, including vividness, salience and recency. According to the prior research, availability heuristic has its own unique formation mechanism. Availability heuristic has broad effects on risk perception and behavioral decision-making, and it has important application value and theoretical value. Future researches are expected to explore its source, analyze the relation between the availability heuristic and other phenomena, and expand its application.
出处 《心理研究》 2015年第5期20-26,31,共8页 Psychological Research
关键词 易得性启发式 易获得性 风险认知 情感启发式 availability heuristic availability perceived risk affect heuristic
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