某一类型的企业高管是否偏好某种特定的战略?同一高管在不同时期选择同一战略时,为什么会有完全不一样的结果?为什么不同行业中的企业选择相同的战略会导致绩效的显著差异?对于这些现象,已有研究难以做出有效的解释。对此,本研究以高层梯队理论为基础,分别以五型领导者理论以及Miles and Snow提出的战略选择分类方法作为刻画高管类型与企业战略选择的工具,提出了高管类型与企业战略选择之间存在着对应性匹配的设想。借鉴权变理论的思想,基于动态的视角,本研究进而将行业生命周期与企业能力生命周期两个权变因素引入到对这一匹配关系的分析中,验证了不同的高管类型对特定的企业战略存在着选择偏好的假设,即老虎型领导与进攻型战略、猫头鹰型领导与防御型战略、孔雀型及考拉型领导与分析型战略之间存在着对应性匹配关系。在此基础上,本研究进一步验证了行业生命周期对高管类型与企业战略选择之间关系的调节作用,并由此提出了高管类型与企业战略选择匹配矩阵,强调了企业能力生命周期需要与行业生命周期相协同的观点。
Does a specific style of top managers prefer a specific style of strategy? When one top manager chooses the same strategy, different outcomes may appear at different time. Meanwhile, when the same strategy is carried out in different industries, there can come out different performance. Current research can not explain the above phenomena effectively. So, based on Upper Echelons Theory, this manuscript proposes the corresponding relationship between top managers' style and corporate strategic choice by employing Five Leadership Style Theory and strategic choice classification put up by Miles and Snow respectively to describe top managers' style and corporate strategic choice. Referring to Contingency Theory, this manuscript leads two contingency factors, including industry life cycle and corporate capability life cycle into the analysis of the corresponding relationship between top managers' style and corporate strategic choice from the dynamic perspective. This manuscript proves that each top managers' style prefers specific strategic choice, including tiger style prefers aggressive strategy, owl style prefers conservative strategy, peacock style and koala style prefer analysis strategy. Based on the above conclusion, this manuscript proves the moderation function of industry life cycle on the relationship between top managers' style and corporate strategic choice, puts forward the two-axis matrix including top managers' style and corporate strategic choice, and emphasizes the coordination between industry life cycle and corporate capability life cycle.
China Industrial Economics
top managers' style
corporate strategic choice
industry life cycle
corporate capability life cycle