目的:调查食管癌患者就医延迟现状,基于健康生态学模型分析其就医延迟的影响因素。方法:采用目的抽样方法,选取山东省济南市4所医院的住院食管癌患者345例为研究对象,进行问卷调查。问卷由一般资料调查问卷、就医情况问卷、健康素养调查问卷、健康坚韧性评定量表修订版、社会支持评定量表组成。结果 :食管癌患者就医延迟发生率为33.75%,基于健康生态学模型得出影响食管癌患者就医延迟的上游因素为:家庭成员中有无医疗卫生工作者、户口类型、家庭人均月收入。中游因素为:吸烟情况、饮酒情况、健康价值观、外源性健康控制观、客观支持、主观支持、对支持的利用度。下游因素为:性别、年龄、是否合并慢性病。结论:食管癌患者就医延迟现象比较普遍,相关部门应该采取相应的干预措施促进患者及时就医,从而提高患者的5年生存率。
Objective: To investigate the treatment-seeking delay status of patients with esophageal cancer, analyze influencing factors based on medical health ecology model. Methods: Purposive sampling method was used to select 345 hospitalized patients with esophageal cancer from four hospitals in Jinan, Shandong Province. The questionnaire included general information, medical information, health literacy scale, Revised Health Hardiness Inventory (RHHI-24), and Social Support Scale (SSS). Results: Incidence of treatment-seeking delays was 33.75% in this study. Based on the healthy ecological model, the upstream influencing factors of patient delay in patients with esophageal cancer were: whether the family members engaged in medical field, resident type, and family income. Midstream factors included smoking status, alcohol consumption, healthy values, exogenous health control concept, objective and subjective support, and utilization of support. Downstream factors were gender, age, and chronic complications. Conclusion: Patients delay was quite common in patients with esophageal cancer. Appropriate measures should be taken to promote timely medical intervention to improve 5-year survival of patients.
Chinese Nursing Management
Health Ecology Model
esophageal cancer
patient delay