
大学制度变革:洪堡及其意义 被引量:15

Institutional Renovations of Universities: Humboldt and the Meanings
摘要 洪堡一生在教育上来去匆匆,在思想上不够高深,在官职上不够显赫,但却创造了柏林大学,成为德意志古典大学的代名词。其原因在于在洪堡之前哈勒和哥廷根的大学制度创新已经积累了较成熟的经验,从康德到施莱尔马赫的德意志思想家已经对大学理念进行了深刻的理性探讨,而洪堡则以独特的教育经验和个性,熔此前的实践和理念为一炉,把大学的理想落实到普鲁士的现实上。洪堡和德意志大学改革的方式是最值得今天中国借鉴的。 Humboldt, a passer-by in educational history who had not enjoyed a reputation of inci- siveness in thoughts and prominence in official status, nevertheless becomes the synonym of classical modern university as the founding father of the University of Berlin. Before Humboldt, Kant and Schleiermacher had looked in depth into the ideals of universities, and wide institutional renovations had been achieved in Halle University and Gottingen University. But it was Humboldt, combining the ide- als and the practices of institutional renovations, who had finally worked out the classical modern uni- versity in the context of Prussia society. China will benefit from learning both Humboldt and the insti- tutional renovations of German universities.
作者 叶赋桂 罗燕
出处 《清华大学教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期21-30,共10页 Tsinghua Journal of Education
基金 教育部人文社科研究规划基金项目"西方大学制度史研究"(10YJA880165)
关键词 洪堡 柏林大学 大学制度 大学理念 Humboldt, the University of Berlin, Institutions of University, Ideals of Universities
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