青稞茬复种饲油1号能有效解决林芝地区当地冬季饲料短缺问题。但是,由于林芝各县栽培措施不一,再加上当地特殊的地理环境和气候特征,生物产量总体偏低。采用播期、播种量和底肥施氮量3个因素,通过二次通用旋转组合设计试验方案。结果表明,以生物产量大于24 948.56 kg/hm^2作为优化目标,播期为9月22~29日,播种量为10.43~12.07 kg/hm^2,底肥施氮量(纯氮)以50.85~76.48 kg/hm^2效果最佳。
It can effectively solve feed shortage to replant feed rape 1 at the naked barley stubble in winter. But as a result of Linzhi counties have different cultural practices, and combined with the local special geographical environment and climate characteristics, biological yield is low as a whole. This experiment design test plan based on quadratic general rotary combination, and apply three factors of the sowing date, rate and nitrogen fertilizers. The results showed that the biological yield is greater than 24 948.56 kg/hm2 as optimal objective, it is best effect to sowing date on September 22 to Septembel, 29, seeding rate 10.43 - 12.07 kg/hm2, fertilizers application ( pure nitrogen) 50.85 - 76.48 kg/hm2.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences