
论人本型经济结构——对中国新阶段结构转型战略的新思考 被引量:5

On Human-oriented Economic Structure:An Exploration of China's Structural Transformation in the New Stage
摘要 结构性矛盾是中国经济内部的深层次矛盾。其根源之一在于经济领域没有完全摆脱"物本位"和更深层次的"官本位"的影响。文章以人的发展经济学为理论依据,提出了"人本型结构"这一核心范畴,并将此核心范畴作为主线贯穿到中国经济的六大结构中,认为在需求结构上,瞄准提高"居民消费率"及相应的"民富支撑";在供给结构(产业结构)上,瞄准与人直接相关的现代服务业和战略性新兴产业;在要素投入结构上,瞄准人的"心灵放飞"和万众创新;在资源环境上,瞄准生态福祉和环境人权;在城乡结构上,瞄准填平城乡之间人的制度鸿沟;在区域结构上,瞄准区域人际协调,以避免"板块群体碰撞"。此外,文章认为,结构转型"转到深处是体制",必须真刀真枪改革,克服两种"本位",推进"五环式"改革,持续反腐败并突破固化利益格局。唯有此,结构转型才有可靠的制度支撑。 Structural contradictions are deep - rooted in China's economy. One of the masons for this is that the material - oriented standard and the deeper - seated official - oriented standard still prevail in the economy. For this reason, this paper, based on the theoretical framework of human development economics, puts forward the core concept of human - oriented structure and carries it as the principal line to discuss six kinds of structures in China's economy. For the demand structure, the emphasis is placed on improving the private consumption rate and the corresponding people's wealth support. For the supply (industry) structure, the emphasis is placed on the development of the human - related modem service industry and strategic emerging industries. For the in- puts structure, the emphasis is placed on the unleashed soul of people and universal innovation of society. For resources and the environment, the emphasis is placed on the ecological well - being and environmental human rights. For the urban and rural structure, the emphasis is placed on bridging the institutional gap between rural and urban residents. For the regional structure, the emphasis is placed on realizing regional interpersonal coor- dination and avoiding plates and groups collision. The key factor behind structure transformation is institution. The reform must be carried forward with real breakthrough, conquering material -oriented standard and official - oriented standard, advancing the reforms of the five interlocked rings, continuing the process of anti - corrup- tion and breaking the fixed interest structure. Only in this way can China's structure transformation get solid in- stitntional support.
作者 常修泽
出处 《经济社会体制比较》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期16-30,共15页 Comparative Economic & Social Systems
关键词 经济结构 转型 发展经济学 人本型结构论 制度支撑 Economic Structure Transformation Development Economics Human - oriented Structure Theo- ry Institutional Support
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