目的对HIV筛查阳性献血者进行确证,制定HIV筛查阳性献血者确证策略。方法本研究由输血研究所与12家中心血站合作,在2013年8月-2014年6月期间,收集抗-HIV/HIV核酸筛查阳性献血者标本,经ELISA和ID-NAT重新检测,以及追踪和确证检测(RIBA)后,鉴别献血者初筛时HIV检测结果的真、假阳性。结果从合作单位收集抗-HIV/HIV核酸筛查阳性标本396人份,经ELISA和ID-NAT重新检测及追踪和确证后,抗-HIV阳性39份,抗-HIV阴性216份,141份由于未成功追踪而被放弃。抗-HIV/HIV核酸筛查阳性献血者抗-HIV阳性率为9.8%。结论 ELISA和ID-NAT都为阳性时,可以直接判为抗-HIV阳性;单独ELISA阳性时,如果RIBA是阴性,8周后追踪;单独ID-NAT阳性时,8周后追踪。
Objective To establish a confirmation strategy for anti-HIV-1/2 or H1V nucleic acid test (NAT) to screen reactive donors. Methods This study was a collaboration between the Institute of Blood Transfusion (IBT) of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and 12 blood centers. All samples of ELISA and/or NAT screening reactive were collected and sent to IBT HIV confirmation laboratory between August 2013 and June 2014. After confirmation and follow-up, donors were identified as true positive or false positive for HIV antibody. Results There were 396 samples collected from twelve blood centers in China. Of these, 255 donors could be classified successfully: 39 true positives, 216 false positives. 141 donors were abandoned for unsuccessful follow-up. HIV antibody positive rate was 9.8% for anti-HIV-1/2/ HIV NAT reactive do- nors. Conclusion According to the experimental results, a blood donor confirmation strategy for anti-HIV-1/2 / HIV NAT reactive donors was formulated : 1 ). If the results are ELISA and ID-NAT reactive, then donors will be determined HIV antibody positive; 2). If the results are ELISA reactive and ID-NAT non-reactive, then RIBA will be negative in the follow-up after eight weeks; 3 ). If the results are non-reactive on anti-HIV-1/2, then ID-NAT will be reactive in the follow-up after eight weeks. According to the confirmation strategy, 39 donors were determined true positives, while 216 donors were determined false positives.
Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion