

Parallelizable Identification Anti-Collision Algorithm Based on Dynamic Frame-Slotted Aloha Algorithm
摘要 在射频识别过程中,由于多个标签同时响应阅读器的查询命令,容易发生标签碰撞,从而影响了RFID系统的识别性能。针对标签数增多时,欠定盲分离算法出现系统性能急速下降等问题,本文提出一种基于约束性非负矩阵分解(NMF)与动态帧时隙(DFSA)相结合的并行防碰撞算法。通过动态调整时隙的长度,可以使每一时隙内的标签数目控制在较好的范围内,从而使RFID系统性能保持在较好状态,在需要快速识别大量标签的领域具有较好的应用价值。 Tag collision may occur in the processing of identification when more than one tag responds the reader inquiry command at the same time, which affects the performance of the RFID system. And the algorithm of under-determined blind separation's result becomes worse while the number of tags increases. Aiming at these problems, the paper puts forward a novel parallelizable identification anti-collision algorithm based on NMF and Dynamic Frame-Slotted Aloha algorithm. The number of tags in each group can be controlled within the optimum range by selecting a reasonable number of groups, which remains the good condition of the separation of the source signals and the throughput in RFID systems. The algorithm has a very good application value in the field where needs identification of large amount of tags.
出处 《科技广场》 2015年第7期117-121,共5页 Science Mosaic
关键词 射频识别 欠定盲分离 防碰撞 动态帧时隙 非负矩阵分解 RFID Under-Determined Blind Separation Anti-Collision DFSA NMF
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