
霍尔编码解码理论对社会主流意识形态传播的启示 被引量:1

The Inspiration of Hall's Encoding and Decoding Theory to the Social Mainstream Ideology
摘要 主流意识形态作为多元文化下的核心价值理念,其立足点是"社会认同"。在新媒体时代下,增强主流意识形态"社会认同"的方法在于信息传播。霍尔的编码解码理论认为,传播过程是一个个重要环节的叠加,任何一个环节的忽视都会对传播效果造成影响,在主流意识形态传播过程中,对传播载体、传播者素养、受众的理解和重视,是提高当下主流意识形态传播效果的主要因素。 The mainstream ideology, which is the core value idea of the multi culture, is based on the "social identity". In the new media age ,the method of enhancing the "social identity" of the mainstream ideology is the information transmission. Hall' s encoding and decoding theory believes that the process of communication is an overlay of important links, and the negligence of any link will have an impact on the dissemination of results. In the communication of mainstream ideology, the media, and the audience' s understanding and attention, are the main factors to improve the current mainstream ideology.
作者 李亚林
机构地区 河南理工大学
出处 《漯河职业技术学院学报》 2015年第5期86-88,共3页 Journal of Luohe Vocational Technical College
关键词 主流意识形态 编码解码 启示 mainstream ideology encoding and decoding inspiration
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