According to the monthly rainfall data from 1960 to 2008 in Shaoyang station, by using the Z index of drought index, annual and seasonal drought were analyzed in Shaoyang. It shows that Z index of drought index can reflect the drought and flood evolution in recent 49 years in Shaoyang County, it is drought for 11 years, the frequency is 22. 4%, and the flood years is 14, the frequency is 28.6% ,which has obvious characteristics of drought and flood changing. The annual precipitation is increasing, the increase rate was 14. 5mm/10a,which has a flood trendeney. The changing trendency of Z index is different in four seasons ,which is rising in winter and summer, and the flood increase obviously. It is falling in spring and autumn, and drought enhanced but the trend is not obviously. The frequency of seasonal drought and flood is higher in Shaoyang, which has obvious characteristics of drought and flood changing. The disaster is one of the main factors that affect crops, so the study can provide reference for drought and flood fore- casting and disaster prevention and reduction.
Journal of Shaoyang University:Natural Science Edition
Shaoyang County
flood and drought change characteristics
Z index