目的探讨远程心电监护技术的临床应用对患者及社会的价值。方法采用模拟V1导联(CM1)、模拟V5导联(CM5)、模拟a VF导联(Ma VF)三通道记录,对山东大学齐鲁医院及下属监护分站的30 550例用户进行远程心电监护,对用户佩戴预警器的USB数据进行回放,分析监护结果并出具报告。结果 30 550例用户中发现心电图异常30 250例;其中危及生命的恶性心律失常及急性心肌缺血512例,通过预警器预警及时通知医生及用户,及早给予有效的干预措施,抢救成功489例。结论远程心电监护系统,能在提供常规动态心电图功能的基础上,对心律失常、心肌缺血等心血管事件及时预警,为抢救患者争取更多的时间,最大限度地保护心脏功能,降低患者的死亡率,提高临床诊断的准确性,有较高的临床应用价值及社会效益。
Objective To study the clinical application value of ECG telemonitoring technology for patients and the society. Methods ECG telemonitoring was carried out on 30 550 users from Qilu Hospital of Shandong University and its subsidiary monitoring stations with standard three chan- nels of simulated V1 lead (CM1), simulated V5 lead (CM5), and simulated aVF lead (MaVF) recorded. The USB data from users' precaution devices were replayed , and the monitoring results were analyzed and reported. Results ECG abnormalities were found in 30 250 cases out of 30 550 users, including 512 cases with fatal malignant arrhythmia and acute myocardial ischemia. By timely early warning of precaution device to doctors/users and effective intervention measures, 489 lives out of those 512 cases were saved. Condusion Besides providing routine Holter functions, ECG tele- monitoring can be applied in a and myocardial ischemia, extent, reduce the mortality application value and social making timely early warning of cardiovascular events such as arrhythmi- which can save more rescue time, protect cardiac function to the utmost rates, and increase the diagnosis accuracy. It can create great clinical benefit.
Journal of Practical Electrocardiology