
利用互助小组提升青年教师教学能力的探索 被引量:1

In the Promotion of the Teaching Ability of Young Teachers with the Three Mutual Aid Team
摘要 为了更好地发挥同伴互助的作用,尽快让青年教师胜任教学工作,郑州八中对同伴互助的有效模式进行了探索:在同学科组、同年级组内让骨干教师、教学能手与青年教师结合,组建三人互助小组。依托三人互助小组有计划分阶段地开展教学问题诊断、集体备课、磨课、同课异构、青年教师基本功大赛、微课题研究等教育教学活动,促使青年教师提高研读课标和把握教材的能力,改进教学能力与评课能力,提升教学研究与教学反思能力。 In order to let young teachers be competent for the teaching work as soon as possible and play the role of peer coaching better, the effective peer coaching mode of Zhengzhou No. 8 Middle School are explored, i. e. to form the three mutual aid team with the backbone teachers, teaching experts and young teachers union in the same subject group or the same grade group. The effective education and teaching activities are carried out in the mutual aid group, such as teaching problem diagnosis, group lesson preparation, young teachers’ basic skills competition, micro research etc. , which encourage young teachers to study curriculum and teach-ing material, improve their abilities of teaching, teaching evaluation, teaching research, and teaching reflec-tion.
作者 鲍聪晓
出处 《河南教育学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2015年第5期48-50,共3页 Journal of Henan Institute of Education(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 2013年河南省基础教育教学研究项目"构建互助小组促教师反思能力提升的研究"(JCJY132501145)
关键词 三人互助小组 青年教师 教学能力 实践探索 the three mutual aid team young teachers teaching ability practical exploration
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  • 7Slater, C. L. and Simmons, D. L. The Design and Implementation of a Peer Coaching Program. American Secondary Education, Spring 2001,29(3), 69. 被引量:1










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