建立了固相萃取-离子色谱测定葡萄酒中有机防腐剂柠檬酸和几种无机防腐剂的方法。准确量取一定量的葡萄酒,按一定比例稀释,经固相萃取小柱净化,除去糖类和色素等干扰素基质,经0.22μm滤膜过滤后,采用IonPacAS11阴离子分离柱、电导检测器分离分析。结果表明,在优化条件下线性良好,相关系数r≥0.9993,浓度稀释法测得检出限为0.02~0.05 mg/L,相对标准偏差(RSD)为0.5%~1.5%,加标回收率为90.0%~99.0%。该方法简单、准确、灵敏度高,能够满足实际样品的测试要求,该方法的建立将为离子色谱测定葡萄酒中多种防腐剂纳入国家标准提供依据。
To develop a method for determination of citric acid and several inorganic preservatives in wine by solid phase extraction-ion chromatography. To measure accurately a certain amount of wine,to be dilu-ted by a certain percentage,to remove sugars and pigments through SPE. The diluted sample was pretrea-ted by passing through 0 . 22 μm filter membrane and to separate and analyze by using IonPacAS11 anion separation column, conductivity detector. Results showed that in optimal conditions the detection limit (concentration dilution) was 0. 02 ~0. 05 mg/L,the relative standard deviation (RSD) of 0. 5% ~1. 5%,correlation coefficient r≥0. 999 3,and the recovery of 90. 0% ~99. 0%. The method was simple, accurate,sensitive and able to meet the test requirements of actual samples. It would provide a way to es-tablish national standards for the determination of several preservatives in wine.
Applied Chemical Industry