乡村社会的有序模式之维系在于其独特的内部规则与外部规则对于乡民的约束及影响 ,不同的是内部规则更多的作用于乡民的人际交往领域 ,而外部规则则突出了其在经济管理行为领域的功能 ,二者都是乡村社会不可或缺的工具性规范 ,具有不可替代性。
The maintenance of orderly model of village communities depends on the bounds and influence of their particular internal and external regulations on the villagers.The difference between them is that the internal regulations have more effect on the villagers in the field of interpersonal associations, while the external regulations stress their functions in the field of the management of economy.Either of them is an indispensable and irreplaceable instrumental norm in village communities.
Journal of Nanchang Junior College