针对过程控制实训课程特点,选用GE智能平台PAC Systems RX3i和i FIX软件设计开发了一套工业过程控制实训装置,实现了温度、压力、流量、液位4个基本模拟量的实训和上位机监控等功能。试验结果表明系统运行稳定,操作简单,获得了较好的实训效果。
According to the characteristics of the process control practical training course, a set of industrial process control practical training device is designed and developed by using of GE intelligent platform PAC Systems RX3i and iFIX configuration software. It implements four basic analog practical training oftemperamre,pressure,flowing,liquid level and PC monitoring. The test results show that the system runs stably, simple operation, and it has a good training effect.
Techniques of Automation and Applications