Based on matlab image processing toolbox, this study develops the rock crack detection system toachieve the surface crack identification and detection of rock, and obtain the characteristic parameters ofthe crack including area and fissure percentage. Image processing of the detection system includes three sta-gesimage preprocessing, cracks extraction and calculation. Firstly, the photos of rock surface cracks (RGBimages) is transformed into the gray image and filtered Secondly, the crack edge is detected with Sobel op-erator to highlight the difference between cracks and background And then image segmentation is carriedout to make the gray-scale image become a binary image;Lastly, characteristic parameters are counted. Thispaper applies the system to summarize the pelitic siltstone crack propagation behavior in the 4th membersection of Badong formationgroup under the conditions of "immersion-air dry" circulation. The resultsshow that with the number of "immersion-air dry" circulation increasing, the crack area and fissure percent-age tend to increase significantly, and the growth rate of cracks in the initial stage is fairly fast while that inthe later period gradually slow down. Rock crack detection system is practical and reasonable to reflectcracks expanding. It can provide a new means for the study of crack propagation behavior.
Safety and Environmental Engineering