
乌桕害虫名录 被引量:7

List of pest insects on Triadica sebifera
摘要 通过大量的野外调查及文献信息查询,查明了乌桕Triadica sebifera害虫种类及分布,整理出较为全面的乌桕害虫名录,共包括8目53科189种昆虫及1种隶属于真螨目瘿螨科的瘿螨——乌桕皱叶刺瘿螨Phyllocoptruta sapii Kuang&Zhuo。 We reviewed literatures and conducted extensive surveys in field to find out the species and distribution of the herbivorous insects on Chinese tallow tree Triadica sebifera. A comprehensive list of pest insects on T. sebifera was made, which included 189 species of herbivorous insects belonging to 53 families 8 orders and one species of gall mite belonging to Eriophyidae Acariformes.
出处 《中国森林病虫》 北大核心 2015年第5期25-35,共11页 Forest Pest and Disease
基金 湖北省林业科学院"能源林树种乌桕高产新品种与经营技术引进"项目(编号2013-4-45)
关键词 乌桕 害虫 名录 Triadica sebifera herbivorous insect list
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