Based on NCEP analysis data and CAMS meso-scale cloud resolving model, by numerical simulating on the heavy rainfall and local strong convective weather occurred in Shanxi on 20 - 21 April 2010, The effect of the catalyst has been analyzed through directly introducing artificial ice crystals into the area of the water and the risi velocity of the cold cloud. The results show that: The early introduction of artificial ice crystals in the early stage ng of cloud development can made the surface rainfall increase after 30min. The ground accumulated rainfall reached the peak at 80min, and then decreased slowly, and the increase of the ground accumulated rainfall reached the minimum in the catalytic 120min. This stage basically belonged to advance and strengthen the precipitation, resulting in the redistribution of surface rainfall. Due to the existence of the supercooled raindrop in catalytic regions, the introduction of artificial ice made lots of supercooled rain drops rapidly changing into graupel particles, and graupel by riming cloud water process (Ccg) and coagulation and growth of rain process (Crg) , prompted the cloud ice phase pre the cipitation strengthening, and finally graupel melting( Mgr ) made the rainwater ratio increase in quality, Ieading to increased precipitation on the ground . The release of a large number of freezing latent heat increased the temperature of the cloud and the speed of the rise. " Static catalysis " and " dynamic catalysis " were interrelated and cannot be separated.
Shanxi Meteorological Quarterly
cold front cloud, artificial seeding, numerical simulation, experiment, research.