“Mani” performance is the title of traditional Tibetan drama “A Je Lha Mo” or “Lha Mo” localized by Chentang Sherpa. Only observed the performance itself, the main difference between the two is reflected in the costumes, masks, singing and the length of performance time, etc., and in the repertoire and performance program both are basically the same. But as the carrier of dramatic ritual of local communities, the content and significance of Chentang Sherpa’s "Mani" performance is different from “A Je Lha Mo”. The former plays the role of "solemnization by drama" in the local community, while the traditional “A Je Lha Mo” generally performed as “ceremony in drama” in villagers’ living world. Based on the site visits of "Mani" performance in Chentang Sherpa community, this article discusses the value and significance of the performance model in the local village culture.
Journal of Art College of Inner Mongolia University