Microstructure of electron beam welded TC4 joint is investigated through OM, SEM, EDS and EBSD analysis. Results show that the microstructure in the fusion zone (FZ) and heat affected zone (HAZ) change significantly after electron beam welding. The FZ is made up of coarse columnar grains with matensite α', and the misorientation angle distribution concentrates near 62.5°,which represents part α/α boundaries are formed from one parent β grain. Due to the welding thermal cycle, the original texture microstructure is transformed into equiaxed grains in HAZ near base metal (BM). The micro- structure of HAZ near BM is composed of original α, origi- nal β, block α and few matensite α', and the misorientation angle distribution indicates part α/α boundaries are devel- oped from two different β grains. HAZ near FZ is made up of matensite α' and block α, and the misorientation angle distribution represents part α/α boundaries are formed from one parent β grain..
Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology
Titanium alloy Electron beam weld-ing Microstructure