为探索钙离子与油菜胁迫响应机制的关系,利用45Ca放射性示踪剂研究基因Bn TR1(Brassica napus Thermal Resistant gene 1)对油菜钙吸收的影响。试验分析了从Bn TR1转基因油菜和野生型油菜中提取出来的原生质体对钙离子的吸收,比较其差异。结果表明,当胞外钙离子浓度低于0.9mmol·L-1时,转基因型原生质体比野生型原生质体吸收更多的钙离子;当外界钙离子浓度高于1mmol·L-1时,转基因型原生质体却比野生型原生质体吸收的钙离子更少;当胞外钙离子浓度大于30mmol·L-1时,转基因型原生质体吸收的钙离子大大低于野生型原生质体的吸收量;当加入钙离子通道阻塞剂氯化镧且其浓度从5μmol·L-1上升到20μmol·L-1时,转基因型原生质体会出现钙离子吸收峰值。综上,Bn TR1基因通过对细胞膜上钙离子通道更为灵敏和有效的调控,可以提高油菜对钙离子胁迫的耐受性。研究结果对研究Bn TR1基因的作用机制,以及其对油菜耐胁迫能力的影响提供了新的方向。
To understand the relationship between Ca2+ and stress response mechanism of rapes, 45Ca was used as a radioactive tracer to first explore the influences of Brassica napus Thermal Resistant gene 1 ( BnTR1 ) on Ca2+ absorption of rapes. The study thoroughly analyzed the Ca2+ absorption of protoplasts separated from the BnTR1 transgenic rapes and the non-transgenic rapes, and identified the difference between them. The study found that the protoplasts of the transgenic lines can absorb more Ca2+ than the non-transgenic type if extracellular Ca2+ concentration was less than 0.9 mmol.L-1 However, the reverse phenomenon was observed as the surrounding Ca2+ concentration was more than 1 mmol·L-1. What's more, much less Ca2+ was absorbed by the transgenic rape protoplasts than the non-transgenic ones, when the extracellular Ca2+ concentration was greater than 30 mmol·L-1. It' s worth noting that, the peak value of Ca2+ absorption of transgenic protoplasts occurred, when LaC13 increased from 5 to 20μmol·L-1. BnTR1 could improve plants'resistance to Ca2+ stress, through more sensitive and powerful control of calcium ions channel in cell membranes. This finding indicated a new direction about the future research on BnTR1 gene mechanism as well as its impact on the ability of resistance to stress of rapes.
Journal of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences