

Subversion and Reconstruction:German Poetry Between 1980 and 2000
摘要 20世纪末的德语诗坛处于一个新旧交替、承前启后的阶段,随着后现代文化思潮的涌入,德语诗歌在形式、媒介、主题上都实现了新的突破,然而鉴于二战以及战后几十年的政治风波背景,诗人们在尝试美学实验的同时依然保留着一种审慎的政治思考。世纪末的诗人既勇于打破陈规,解构诗歌,也有意识地从传统中汲取新的灵感,哀歌传统、古典风格的复兴也促进了诗坛的血液循环,令世纪末的德语诗歌呈现出一种多元化的精彩面貌。 By the end of the 20th century, German poetry has reached a transitional stage between tradition and presence. Influenced by the postmodern culture, German poetry has achieved a variety of breakthroughs in forms, media and motives. On the other hand, despite the burden of the Second World War and the political turbulence afterwards, German poets still retained their political thinking in their aesthetic experiments. They were willing to break the conventions and deconstruct poetry at the same time, they also tried to gain inspiration from the traditional genres like the antique elegy. In general, the period between 1980 and 2000 in the development of German poetry can be termed as an era of diversity and experimental thinking.
作者 丁君君
出处 《同济大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期15-21,31,共8页 Journal of Tongji University:Social Science Edition
基金 国家社科基金重点项目"当代外国文学记事:1980-2000"(项目编号:06AWW001)
关键词 德语诗歌 后现代 政治思考 多元化 German Poetry postmodernity political thinking diversity
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