Creating the reflection of manpower resource supply--demand relationship as well as the system of normal increasing enterprise economic benefit wage, which is a great significance for realizing the harmony and stability labor--capital relationship. Complying with the supervise and guide functions positioning by government in the increasing of enterprise wages system, wage guideline as the information released by government, which is an important reference factor for non--state-- owned enterprises to make wage decision as well as in the process of wage collective consultation. In the operation process of the wage guideline system, some factors will be influence the system effective, such as, collective consultation just as a mere for- mality during the process of operation, the hysteresis in releasing the information of enterprise wage guideline, otherwise, the information of industrial wage guideline over--specialization. Increasing the effect of wage guideline system needs to deal with the relationship between the growth rate of social labor productivity and the workers actual average wage growth rate, on the one hand, it needs to create the system of release wage guideline regularly with the purpose of solving the problem of the hys. teresis of releasing the wage guideline information , on the other hand, it still need to improve the system of wage collective consultation to solve the problem of collective consultation just as a mere formality cause the system of wage guideline perform practically no function. It needs to explore a scientific mode of releasing industrial wage guideline, try to create the instructor system of wage collective consultation aim to solve the problem of receivers understanding and receiving degree about the indus- trial wage guide information.
Law Review
Enterprise Wage Guideline
Industrial Wage Guideline
Collective Bargaining
Wage Increasing System