河北某地下金矿采出矿石中水泥充填体混入率约为5%,由此造成了自然金及载金矿物黄铁矿等可浮性下降、浮选泡沫变小变黏、磨矿产品细度虚高等问题,严重影响了金的回收和生产过程的稳定。为消除水泥充填体混入带来的诸多问题,在实验室试验和工业试验基础上,对流程结构及药剂制度等进行了优化与完善,同时对尼尔森选矿机的工况等其他问题进行了完善,改造后的2014年,选矿厂的尼尔森精矿金品位和金回收率达1 656.37 g/t、21.79%,浮选精矿金品位和金回收率达107.61 g/t和70.03%,尼尔森精矿金回收率和流程总金回收率分别提高了4.42和6.47个百分点。因此,对现场暴露出的问题而言,试验确定的措施行之有效,对类似矿山具有借鉴意义。
One of the underground gold mines in Hebei province, ore mixed with 5% cement filling body when mined, re- sult in some problems such as Floatability decline of nature gold and pyrite associated gold, flotation foam becoming small and sticky, grinding fineness artificially high on the native gold and gold content pyrite, which seriously affects the gold recovery and the stability of the production process. In order to solve the problems taken by cement filling body, the structure of process and pharmaceutical system was improved and optimized, and the condition of Nelson concentrator are modified on the basis of labo- ratory test and industrial test. The Nelson gold concentrate grade and recovery reached 1 656.37 g/t, 21.79 % respectively after modification ,and the flotation gold concentrate grade and recovery reached 107.61 g/t and 70.03%, and the gold concentrate recovery of nelson and the all flow raised 4.42 and 6.47 percentage points respectively. For the problems exposed by the scene, measures from the tests are feasible and effective, and can provide reference for the similar mines.
Metal Mine