
在时间之流中理解课程改革:来自古德森的研究及启示 被引量:2

To Understand the Curriculum Reform through Historical Time: from Ivor Goodson's Studies and Inspiration
摘要 课程史学名家艾沃·古德森批判学校课程研究保持一种过分的当代性,呼吁发展课程"历史感"。古德森的研究议题集中于微观层面的学校科目变革,呈现了具体科目如何被界定、确立以及合法化的过程,强调在思想和行动演化的时间之流中更好地理解"学校知识";对于课程改革实践的理解,他主张结合教师的生活史,深究教师的职业经历、生活经验及时代背景如何塑造其"课堂意识形态",凸显教师在课程实践中的差异性、个人化和能动性。古德森极富特色的研究议题和方法论,对于我国的课程研究者应是有益的鉴照。 Ivor Goodson, as a famous curriculum historian, criticized that the studies of the school curriculum had maintained an obsessive contemporaneity, and so we need to develop our "sense of history" about curriculum. His research topic focused on the micro level of the change of school subjects, presenting the historical process of how specific sub- jects had been defined, identified and institutionalized. He intended to follow the evolution of thought and action through historical time in order to better understand "school knowl- edge". To understand the practice of curriculum reform, with the studies of life histories he examined how teachers' career and life experiences as well as historical background shaped their "classroom ideologies", and in which he emphasized their difference, personalization and initiative. For the curriculum researchers in china, the characteristic research topic and methodology of Goodson should be revealing.
作者 彭彩霞
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第9期79-86,共8页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 江苏省教育科学"十二五"规划重点资助课题"政策文本与政策语境--改革开放以来的基础教育课程政策研究"(课题编号:B-a/2013/01/025) 江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学基金资助项目"多元语境下的基础教育课程政策变革研究"(项目编号:2013SJB880075)
关键词 古德森 课程改革 学校科目 生活史 Ivor Goodson curriculum reform school subjects life histories
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