模拟沥青混合料半圆弯曲试验,分析模型几何参数对裂缝尖端应力强度因子的影响,能够合理的确定试验的几何参数,准确评价沥青混合料抗低温开裂的性能。文章通过ANSYS模拟分析了沥青混合料半圆弯曲试件弯拉应力分布,明确了试件拉应力最大部位;基于控制变量法,利用Aashto计算方法和有限元方法研究了半圆弯曲试件几何参数(试件半径、试件厚度、支座跨度、裂缝长度)对裂缝尖端应力强度因子的影响。结果表明:半圆弯曲试件在裂缝尖端受到最大的拉应力,Aashto计算方法与有限元方法计算的裂缝应力强度因子随试件几何参数变化的趋势相同,计算结果相近,确定半圆弯曲试验试件几何参数半径为75 mm,厚度为25 mm,裂缝深度为15 mm,支座间距与试件直径比值为0.8。
Simulating of asphalt mixture semi-circle bending test and analyzing stress intensity factor on crack tip is helpful to determine the geometry parameters of test and fairly to evaluate the low temperature anti-cracking performance of asphalt mixture. By analyzing stress distribution diagram of asphalt mixture semi-circle bending specimen, the part where the tensile stress is max is determined. By means of controlling variables method, stress intensity factor of asphalt mixture semi-circle bending specimen crack tip is calculated by AASHTO method and finite element simulation. Results show that the changing trends of stress intensity factor on crack tip in the finite element model was similar to that in AASHTO method and the geometric parameters are the same in the two methods. Specimen geometry parameters are the following: radius 75mm, thickness 25mm, crack depth 15mm, ratio of bearing spacing and specimen diameter 0.8.
Journal of Shandong Jianzhu University