
初产妇产后预防压力性尿失禁的盆底肌训练时间点研究 被引量:6

When do the primiparas begin to conduct pelvic floor muscle training in the postpartum period for urinary incontinence prevention
摘要 目的 评估初产妇产后早期盆底肌训练对压力性尿失禁的预防效果,探讨产后盆底肌训练的最佳起始时间.方法 本院自然分娩的240例初产妇随机分为训练组(121例)与对照组(119例),训练组按照产后不同训练起始时间再分为A组(产后第1d,n =41)、B组(产后第42d,n=40)及C组(产后第56d,n =40).训练组产后进行持续8周的盆底肌训练,对照组仅进行常规健康教育.记录各组尿失禁发生例数,通过肌力检测和尿垫试验评判尿失禁严重程度.比较各组之间尿失禁发生率与严重程度之间的差异.结果 训练组产后尿失禁阳性率,低于对照组(4.9%、10%、12.5% vs 25.2%,P<0.05);训练组盆底肌力优于对照组(4.93 ±0.32、4.27±0.35、3.66±0.33 vs 3.39±0.39,P<0.05);产后尿失禁严重程度训练组低于对照组,且训练组中A组尿失禁阳性率及严重程度均低于B组、C组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 产后早期盆底肌训练可以有效预防压力性尿失禁的发生,进行盆底肌训练时间越早可能效果越佳。 Objectives To evaluate the effect of pelvic floor muscle training at the early stage of postpartum period of primiparas and to investigate the best time point from which pelvic floor muscle training conducted.Methods 240 primiparas were randomly devided into a treated group (n =121) and a control group (n =119).According to different time point pelvic floor muscle training conducted,121 primiparas of the treated group were then randomly derided into group A(from postpartum dayl,n =41),group B (from postpartum day42,n =40) and group C(from postpartum day56,n =40).The primiparas in the control group were not conduct any treatment except for knowledge dissemination about the sex health and the function injury of the pelvic floor muscle imposed by pregnancy and parturition.The occurring of SUI were observed,the pelvic floor muscle strength were measured by GRRUG test and the urinary loss measured by pad test.Results Compared with control group,the SUI rate in group A,group B and group C significantly decreased (4.9 %,10%,12.5 % vs 25.2 % P 〈 0.05);the pelvic floor muscle strength significantly increased (4.93 ± 0.32,4.27 ± 0.35,3.66 ± 0.33 vs 3.39 ± 0.39 P 〈 0.05).Also,compared with group B and C,there are significantly decrease in SUI rate and increase in pelvic floor muscle strength in group A(P 〈 0.05).Conclusions The pelvic floor muscle training at the early stage of postpartum period of primiparas is helpful.The earlier time pelvic floor muscle training is conducted,the better the efficieny is.
作者 杨青 曲文玉
出处 《国际泌尿系统杂志》 2015年第5期696-699,共4页 International Journal of Urology and Nephrology
基金 广东省医学科研基金项目(编号:B2012292)
关键词 尿失禁 压力性 骨盆底 Urinary Incontinence,Stress Pelvic Floor
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