如何发挥固态硬盘应有的性能,需要掌握优化固态硬盘的方法,而要得到优化固态硬盘的方法,就需要对各种固态硬盘的优化方法进行测试,在得到的大量优化前后的固态硬盘性能数据对比中,找到优化固态硬盘最有效的方法,文章从硬件安装、主板配置、4 K对齐和软件使用等方面逐步阐述了优化固态硬盘的方法,使优化后的固态硬盘能够保持完美的工作状态。
In order to utilize the performances of various SSD, it is necessary to master the SSD optimization methods. And in order to get the optimization of SSD methods, it is necessary to test optimization methods of various SSD, and find the most effective method of optimizing SSI) based on comparison between SSD performance data before and after lots of optimization. This paper describes the SSD optimization method from such aspects as hardware installation, motherboard configuration, 4K alignment, software, etc. The optimized SS1) can work in perfect condition.
Computer & Network