为了研究FZ/T 40005—2009标准中两种化学测试方法在定量桑蚕丝与柞蚕丝混合产品中纤维含量结果的差异,试验分析桑蚕丝和柞蚕丝的外观、燃烧特征、纵向形态及不同颜色桑蚕丝和柞蚕丝在两种试剂中的质量变化率。选取有代表性的混合样品分别采用氯化钙-乙醇法和四水硝酸钙法进行定量测试,观察试验残留物,并对测试结果采用t检验方法进行分析。结果表明:两种方法在定量测试浅色桑、柞蚕丝混合产品时无显著性差异,对于部分深色桑、柞蚕丝混合产品需要配置柠檬酸三钠和低亚硫酸钠脱色剂进行脱色处理,脱色后的样品定量修正系数取0.98时,试验结果符合标准允差±1.0的要求。
In order to study the fiber content differences in the quantitative testing of the mulberry silk and tus- sah silk blended product by 2 different chemical testing methods within the standard FZ/T 40005--2009, this article analyzes the appearance, combustion characteristics, longitudinal shape of mulberry silk and tussah silk and their mass change rate in 2 different testing reagents with different colors. Representative samples of blended products are selected to make quantitative test by means of calcium chloride-ethanol and calcium nitrate tetrahydrate. By observing the testing residue and analyzing the test result in t Testing Method, no distinct differences are found for light color products. And for the dark color products, after making discolorations in citric acid three sodium and sodium hydrosulphite, the test result is within the standard tolerance ~1.0 if applying the quantitative correction factor 0.98.
Knitting Industries