

Identification of several Xyleborini intercepted from our country's ports
摘要 材小蠹族这一昆虫类群是种群最丰富的食菌小蠹类群之一,该类群包含的入侵性小蠹种类超过其他食菌小蠹之和,是危害严重的重要林木害虫,准确的种类鉴定对防止该虫进入我国具有重要意义。印澳横材小蠹、小盾材小蠹、阔面材小蠹、Truncaudum agnates及双齿材小蠹为我国口岸新截获的几种重要材小蠹,本文通过对这5种材小蠹的形态描述,为口岸提供鉴定的基础资料。 Xyleborini is the most important and species-rich tribe of ambrosia beetles. This group contains more invasive pests than all other ambrosia beetle groups combined,and some of them can cause serious damage to the forest. How to identify them is of great significance for us. Leptoxyleborus sordicauda,Xyleborinus exiguus,Euwallacea validus,Truncaudum agnates and Xyleborus bispinatus were new species intercepted by our ports. The aim of this research is to provide basic data for identification of Xyleborini through describing morphological characteristics.
出处 《植物检疫》 北大核心 2015年第4期73-77,共5页 Plant Quarantine
基金 国家"十二五"科技支撑计划课题(2012BAK11B03) 国家质检总局科技项目(2014IK023 2015IK156) 江苏出入境检验检疫局科技项目(2014KJ44)
关键词 材小蠹族 印澳横材小蠹 小盾材小蠹 阔面材小蠹 Truncaudum agnates 双齿材小蠹 形态特征 鉴定 Xyleborini Leptoxyleborus sordicauda Xyleborinus exiguus Euwallacea validus Truncaudum agnates Xyleborus bispinatus
  • 相关文献


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